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In The


Summer Gradeschool Program

Starting June we will be starting our Gradeschool summer program back up. Give us a call for more information if your interested.

Starting Summer Field Trip Planning

Over the summer we will be taking many field trips(age permitting) with the students. We like to have a wide range of field trip ideas that the children can enjoy over their summer break.

Children's Birthdays

We love for your child to feel special on their special day! We invite your child to bring in a snack/treat on their birthday. We also provide you child with a surprise for them to wear around to showcase that they are the birthday prince or princess!

Child Safety


Our safety poilices for our children is a top priority of ours here at Rainbow Acres. No child will be left alone or unsupervised. Upon arrival to our Center, the parent must present the child to his/her teacher and wait for our aknowledgement. Our teachers must be infomed when the child is being picked up. No child will be dismissed to anyone other than the parent, guardian or authorized person listed in the child's file. Posted in each classroom is a plan, which lists the action to be taken and Staff responsibilities in case of a fire emergency or severe weather alert. Please see enrollment packet for more detailed instructions on our fire emergency and severe weather alert procedures. A file of monthly fire drills and results are kept on file in the main office. Our Center holds three first-aid kits on site. One is located in the main office. The second kit is used for field trips and the last kit is kept in our kitchen. All of our staff members are trained in First Aid and CPR in case of any event at our Center or on field trips.


    Rainbow Acres Educational Daycare was founded in 1998 by Francine Harder, for the purpose of helping and caring for your children.

     Rainbow Acres is established with the purpose of teaching young children basic preschool academics and proper social behavior. It is our philosophy that education should begin at the earliest possible age. Rainbow Acres pledges itself to provide this education at the highest level of quality and dedication. While we cannot replace the role of a parent, we can assist parents in developing high moral and educational values in their child.


Our Curriculum

Charater Development

  • Honesty

  • Loyalty

  • Courage

  • Promptness

  • Patriotism

Language Arts

  • Phonics (alphabet, sounds, simple words)

  • Word Recognition


  • Familiarity with numbers

  • Counting

  • Number concepts & Shapes

Appreciation of Arts

  • Signing

  • Arts & Crafts

  • Poetry

  • Nursery Rhymes


  • Health

  • Safety

  • Nature

Social Behavior

  • Group interaction

  • Sharing

  • Self control

  • Listening skills

  • Communication


Outdoor Play

The center shall provide outdoor play each day in suitable weather for Toddlers, Preschool, Pre-K, and School Age children in attendance 4 or more consecutive daylight hours. If we have very hot weather, we shall take the children outside for a limited time, and we will supply them with water and a shaded area. If the weather is raining outdoors, we will remain indoors and plan an indoor activity.


Holiday Policies

The Daycare will be open all year except major holidays.

(New Years Eve, New Years Day, Memorial Day, 4th of July, Thanksgiving Day and the day after, Christmas Eve and Christmas Day)




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